How To Repair Motherboard | Best Computer Motherboard Self Repair Guideline

How To Repair Motherboard

How to repair motherboard self repair guideline.

Motherboard failure is often manifested as system startup failure, no display on the screen, and sometimes it can start and sometimes it can’t start, etc., difficult to intuitively judge. When inspecting and repairing the motherboard’s failure, the maintenance principle of “one look, two listen, three smell, four “touches is generally adopted. It is to observe the failure phenomenon, listen to the alarm, smell a peculiar smell, and touch whether some parts are hot. Here are a few common motherboard repair methods. Each method has its own advantages and limitations. Generally, several methods are used in combination. Read more about parts of the computer.

Cleaning method

Motherboard Clean System

This method is generally used to solve the problem that the motherboard cannot normally work due to too much dust on the motherboard, and the dust is electrostatically charged. You can use a brush to remove the dust on the motherboard. Also, there are usually many external boards connected to the motherboard. The golden fingers of these boards may be oxidized, resulting in poor contact with the motherboard. This problem can be wiped off with an eraser to remove the oxide layer on the surface.


The technique of “seeing and touching” is mainly used. With the power turned off, check whether the components are correctly connected, whether the capacitor and resistor pins are in good contact, whether the surface of each component is burnt or cracked, and whether the copper foil on each circuit board has burnt marks. At the same time, you can touch some chips’ surface with your hands to see if there is any boiling phenomenon.

Substitution method

When you are unsure which component is caused by some failure phenomenon, you can replace the suspected component to eliminate the failure. You can take the suspected components to a good computer to try, and you can also connect the good components to a malfunctioning computer to try. For example, if an error is reported during self-checking or the capacity is incorrect, this method can determine the fault’s real culprit.

Detection method

Use the motherboard bios self-check system, and use the test card to troubleshoot the motherboard.

Heating and cooling system.

CPU Overheating Protection

The heating and cooling methods are also highly targeted, mainly for motherboard failures caused by the poor thermal stability of a component in the motherboard. If the motherboard maintenance personnel suspect that the cause of the temperature increase of a certain component is suspicious, you can use the touch method at this time. When the temperature change can be clearly felt with the hand, you can use the cooling method to cool the related components forcefully. After cooling down the corresponding parts, turn on the computer. If the degree of computer failure decreases or even disappears, it can be judged that the component causes the motherboard failure, and the maintenance personnel only need to replace it. Generally speaking, heating and cooling require the motherboard repair personnel to have rich work experience to troubleshoot and ensure the quality and efficiency of maintenance.


When repairing computer motherboards, the extrusion method is also an important repair method, but it has a strong pertinence. It is usually used to check whether the solder ball array package and the major chips have empty soldering problems. If the computer cannot be turned on due to a malfunction, the motherboard repairer can use the extrusion method to squeeze the southbridge with appropriate strength. At the same time, the motherboard must be powered on. If the computer cannot be turned on at this time, the South Bridge does not cause the motherboard’s failure; if the computer can be turned on and normally works after connecting to the power supply, there is a South Bridge problem. That is, the South Bridge is empty welding. At this time, disassemble the computer and re-weld the South Bridge to complete the motherboard failure issue maintenance. The use of the extrusion method is highly targeted, so it cannot be widely used to maintain computer motherboard failures. However, the extrusion method can still play an important role when necessary.

How to repair motherboard diagnostic and replacement system.

Motherboard diagnosis mainly uses the basic input and output system in the motherboard to automatically complete the computer motherboard failure’s self-checking procedure. It can also display the results of automatic failure detection in the form of codes. Motherboard fault maintenance personnel use the motherboard diagnostic card for fault detection, which can effectively simplify the maintenance steps and save a lot of maintenance time. However, because the faults are presented in the form of codes, the maintenance personnel must have high professional quality and accurately judge the motherboard—the cause and location of the failure. The replacement method is relatively simple, but it may take a long time to determine the fault. That is, use normal components to replace the components in the computer motherboard. If the computer motherboard can operate normally after replacing a component, it means that the motherboard is malfunctioning. In this position, targeted maintenance can be carried out. But in fact, the replacement method needs to be established based on the motherboard diagnostic card. The replacement method’s technical content is reduced, and it is more dependent on the motherboard maintenance personnel’s experience. Therefore, many professional maintenance personnel will not use this method but combine it with the motherboard diagnostic card to quickly and accurately determine the computer motherboard’s failure issue.

Typical motherboard fault repair technology.

The motherboard BIOS is damaged.

Motherboard BIOS

There are a lot of important hardware data inside the BIOS of the motherboard. If the BIOS is damaged, it is likely to cause the system to be paralyzed directly and unable to operate normally. The CTH virus mostly causes the motherboard BIOS damage. When the CTH virus invades the computer motherboard, the hardboard data will be lost. In this case, perform an emergency repair field. You can check the hard disk data integrity first to determine whether the BIOS is a malfunction. If there is a DEBUG card in the computer motherboard, the BIOS indicator on the DEBUG card’s surface can effectively determine whether the motherboard BIOS is normal. During the test, if it is found that the BOOT module of the BIOS is not damaged, but the monitor still cannot normally display after booting up, an alarm will sound in the PC speaker; if the BOOT module in the BIOS is damaged, and the power supply and hard disk, etc. It can run normally, and the CPU fan can also run normally, but the desktop motherboard still cannot start. In this case, the programmer usually rewrites the BIOS to eliminate the related faults.

The motherboard capacitor is damaged.

motherboard capacitor

Before repairing the computer motherboard failure, you must carefully check the motherboard capacitor to make sure it explodes or ruptures. During the motherboard operation, if the voltage is too high or the operating environment temperature is too high, the capacitor is prone to bubbling or dripping, resulting in a significant decrease in the capacitor’s capacity and even loss of capacitance in severe cases. At this time, the capacitor can no longer. If filtering is performed normally, many AC components will appear in the load current. The memory and CPU will be affected by it and cause abnormal operation. After clarifying the damage of the motherboard capacitor, the failure can be eliminated by replacing the capacitor.

Motherboard self-protection lock.

At this stage, most motherboards on the market have an automatic detection and protection function. This function will prompt them to automatically lock and stop running if there are abnormal voltage and power supplies, CPU overclocking, or high voltage during operation. The specific manifestation of the motherboard self-protection lock is that the motherboard cannot start normally. For this kind of failure phenomenon, the CMOS can be discharging treatment, and then it can be powered on and started. For reset, press and hold the RESET button while turning on the motherboard’s power to directly unlock the motherboard.

The graphics card sounds like an alarm.

If the graphics card emits one long and two short beeps, the cause of the failure may be that the graphics card is damaged or loose. For this kind of typical loss, you can first open the case and reinstall the graphics card. Before installation, you need to check the AGP slot in detail to ensure any small foreign objects in it. If there are any, the graphics card cannot be directly inserted in place. It is necessary for motherboards with voice alarm devices to carefully identify the voice prompt content and accurately find the fault point and solve it based on the content. If the alarm sound does not stop after the graphics card is completely installed, the graphics card chip may be damaged, and the graphics card needs to be repaired or replaced. If the self-checking sound prompts after booting up, but the monitor cannot display images normally, and the graphics card can be used normally after replacing the graphics card with another motherboard, it means that the graphics card is incompatible with the original computer motherboard and needs to be replaced Graphics card immediately.

Alarm sound from memory.

The sound feature of the memory alarm is that it keeps emitting a “DiDi” sound. This kind of failure is more common. The main cause of the failure is poor memory contact. If the memory stick is not standardized because the memory stick is thin, there may be a certain gap when the memory is inserted into the memory slot; poor craftsmanship of the memory stick gold finger is also an important cause of memory failure if the gold finger Poor gilding on the surface. After a period of use, the oxide layer will gradually thicken, which will lead to poor memory contact; if the quality of the memory slot is unqualified, it will cause poor contact between the reed and the gold finger of the memory bar, which is also a major cause of memory alarms—the reason. You can use an eraser to clean the memory stick’s gold fingers, remove the memory stick, and reinsert it for this type of failure. You can also use hot melt glue to fill the gap to improve oxidation. It should be noted that during removing and inserting the memory module, the host’s power cord must be unplugged to avoid the memory’s accidental burning.

Why the mainboard temperature control is abnormal and does not display when booting up.

Take the ASUS P3B-F motherboard as an example. It can effectively monitor the temperature of the CPU. A 2Pin temperature control cable is used to connect to the JTP pin next to the CPU socket. A blue screen phenomenon occurs suddenly during use. After restarting, the display does not light up after the optical drive and hard disk self-test pass. This phenomenon’s general cause is that the mainboard’s temperature control line falls off and contacts the mainboard, prompting the main board to enter Protection status and refuse to continue power-on command automatically. At this stage, most motherboards provide temperature monitoring and protection devices for CPU heat generation. Generally speaking, if the CPU temperature is too high or the temperature control system connected to the motherboard fails, it will directly affect the motherboard. Enter the automatic protection state, and refuse to power-on start or send out an alarm. For this kind of malfunction, restart the computer after reconnecting the temperature control cable. If the mainboard cannot be started normally and no alarm is given, it is necessary to clarify whether the temperature control device of the mainboard is in a normal state.

Note: If you have this motherboard warranty, you can change it to follow their warranty policy rules.